Category: Weight Loss

  • Noonan’s ’17 “Kick Start your New Year” Menu

    As her father says, the Ina Garten of B-More. One of the biggest benefits of being married to an opera-singing-Irish-wordsmith is her prowess in the kitchen. Her mother, who is closest thing to Martha Stewart without actually being her, is one of the best cooks this side of kingdom come; Noonan (my wife) soaked up…

  • The Best Exercise and Diet Routines for 2017

    As the New Year approaches, in the first few months, we will once again obsess over working out and eating right. The problem is that by Febuary,/March most of us will have foregone our health/fitness resolutions. The secret to achieving any goal can be summed up in one word: consistency. Goals are achieved when we…

  • When I started to think about using which diet I was to use to win my bet against Will, here were my choices: Veggie and Protein (Kate calls this the “Joyless Diet”) AM starchy/PM fibrous carbs Ketogenic diet Intermittent Fasting In my attempt to get super lean, a common denominator in most diets is that…

  • What is intermittent fasting?

    Intermittent Fasting  (IF) is an elegant way to mimic the Keto Diet each day. Instead of eliminating carbs entirely for 5 days and carb-loading for two days, the purpose is to get the benefit of lipolysis by fasting for at least 12 hours and the anabolic effect of a carb-up after your workout session every…

  • After you’ve had your first child, your vanity to keep a lean physique—particularly your motivation to keep a six pack—starts to wane due to lack of sleep, your infant slobbering on you, and the huge life change that comes with being a new parent overall. These days, often the most exciting time for us as…

  • Its been a year and half since Mr. Man appeared out of nowhere in our life. If anybody told me 5 years ago, I would be married, have a toddler, and would be shopping for a house, I would have said, “NO WAY JOSE!” What is truly unbelievable is that now he is linking words…

  • It has been week 12 of my IF experiment; boy, the time has flown by. During the last three months a few momentous things have occurred: My 9 month-old baby boy has gone from wearing 12 months clothing to 18 months. Kate’s weight has dropped down to 111lbs from chasing Mr. Man (Christopher) around the…

  • I can’t believe it has been 17 weeks and only one more day to go till JUDGEMENT DAY. I have to admit I have been mired in a bit of misery like George Constanza on Seinfeld this past week because I have been eating like a rabbit on a diet. All I can see is…

  • Tori is another trainer I work with—but not as awesome as Will—who is also doing intermittent fasting. As far as I can see, I think she is making pretty good progress herself. She did tell me she was taking a weekly selfie, perhaps she will allow me to post her before and after pics. In…

  • After watching one of our favorite reality shows, the Bachelor, I usually tune into watch the rest of The Biggest Loser (TBL). With an average of 7 million viewers weekly and over $100 million in annual revenue, it is one of the most popular reality TV shows of all time. I think, though inspirational in…