Week 13 Update

It has been a week since going to two meals a day and I’ve been stupid hungry since this adjustment. As Kate would say, I have “my joyless meal” around noon and then a not-as-joyful-as-it-used-to-be dinner. Here were my carb-up meals for the week:

Monday: Two plates of pasta with bell peppers and broccoli


Being a bad blogger, I forgot to take a picture on Monday, so I found this replacement on the Internet
Tuesday: Two bowls of Thai fried rice

Nothing is better than fried rice. Nothing!
Wednesday: Four Hebrew National bun-size hotdogs with Kate’s homemade coleslaw

Hot dogs I requested for din din and voila, hot dogs I got
Thursday: 1½ Chipotle chicken burritos with brown rice and two Chun cookies

I was tempted to eat both of the burritos but I still had my protein shake to down and was afraid to burst my poor tummy
Friday: Remaining half Chipotle chicken burrito and five Chun cookies

The Chun cookies, it does not get better than these babies
My party life
Besides Friday night, when I passed out on the couch at 7 pm (I know pretty pathetic right?), I have been downing about 30 grams of casein protein with my evening meal. My skinfold measurements have gone down a bit but progress has slowed down to a crawl. If I want to win the bet, I need measurements of umbilicus (you don’t know what that is? Google it, Ginger man): ~10 mm and oblique: ~5 mm; currently my measurements are 19 mm and 9 mm. In order to accelerate more fat loss, I plan to increase my volume in my workouts and decrease my rest time between sets. Also instead of gobbling down my dinner, I plan to eat slower—it takes about 15-20 mins for the body to signal satiety—clean up my food a bit, and reduce my portions.

If all else fails, I have few tricks up my sleeve to get the six-pack look but that is more suffering than I have planned in my life, and my life plan is to reduce suffering in this god-forsaken world, particularly if it has to do with me.