The Best Exercise and Diet Routines for 2017

As the New Year approaches, in the first few months, we will once again obsess over working out and eating right. The problem is that by Febuary,/March most of us will have foregone our health/fitness resolutions.

The secret to achieving any goal can be summed up in one word: consistency. Goals are achieved when we commit to form consistent habits and commit to repeat them over and over again. In other words, all you have to do is Just Show Up. As I tell my athletes, “success is not defined by the wins or losses, but by the work that you put in when no one is looking”. The trick is to stick to a good plan; and day in and day out make the effort to improve.

Unless you are into bodybuilding, the best exercise routines are workouts that involve the entire body with the purpose of creating balance between all the muscles. This not only increases well-being but prevents injuries in the long-run. This is accomplished by increasing flexibility as well as strength. One without the other is a like having Boyz II Men without the deep base guy (his name is Michael McCary if you are wondering). I also believe that it is important to challenge our bodies to acquire new motor skills.

Here are four workouts that have worked for me over the years:

  • Floor flow
  • Hot yoga
  • Gymnastic strength training
  • Martial arts like kickboxing or BJJ

There seem to be hundreds of diets out there, but usually the ones that work have some commonalities, like eating various colored foods, reducting simple carbs (except when you carb-up), leaving room for rewards, and increasing fiber/good fats. In my experience, the most doable diet is Intermittent Fasting (IF), about which I’ve written extensively on this blog. But if you don’t like the concept of fasting, the second best way to eat is eating like a type II diabetic.

Here’s the list of the four that makes most sense to me:

  • Intermittent fasting
  • Mayo Clinic Diet
  • DASH Diet
  • My wife’s whole foods/high fiber/full-fat diet–aka the “Noonan Diet”

Speaking of the “Noonan Diet”, she has offered to put together a quick 2017 menu to kick-start your New Year, so stay tuned!

If you wish to learn more, feel free to email me. Happy New Year!