Category: Recovery

  • In the good ole days of yore—in my 20’s and 30’s when I weighed 190 lbs —picking up big things up and putting them down was a passion of mine. I was young, brash, and was relatively injury free; to make this matter totally worse, I was omnipotent. But as Socrates has said: the more…

  • One of the worst things that can happen to your fitness progress is mental burnout and over-training, which then can lead to nagging injuries–or worse, serious ones. I was starting to feel the mental burnout creeping in two weeks ago and what did I do: NOTHING. Trainers often say you have to “push through”, or…

  • The first time I heard about trigger points was over a decade ago. I didn’t know what they were but was told, by my fitness director, that they were the causes of muscle tightness and myofacial pain. Myo what?! The tragic thing about trigger points is that we have all experienced them and have suffered…

  • The topic of recovery from working out is like the red-headed step child–which brings to mind a certain red-head at the gym that I know–of the training world. It is often an after-thought for most. Well, I am here to declare that we need to pay attention to our beloved red-headed step-child!!! In PT circles,…