What is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent Fasting  (IF) is an elegant way to mimic the Keto Diet each day. Instead of eliminating carbs entirely for 5 days and carb-loading for two days, the purpose is to get the benefit of lipolysis by fasting for at least 12 hours and the anabolic effect of a carb-up after your workout session every

Let The Hunger pangs begin

After you’ve had your first child, your vanity to keep a lean physique—particularly your motivation to keep a six pack—starts to wane due to lack of sleep, your infant slobbering on you, and the huge life change that comes with being a new parent overall. These days, often the most exciting time for us as

Digestion, Microbiome, and the GI Tract    

Often times when it comes to working out, we talk about the importance of nutrition. I think when it comes to having a six-pack 80% of it is eating and the remaining 20% is working out. The food discussion comes down to three things: What to eat? How much or how little? How many times?

Training and Over-Training: Part I

​In the gym as well in life, there is this notion that hard work pays off. A quote that I like to say to my athletes is: “Hard work will beat talent any day, but talent combined with hard work, now that is magic.” The tennis player I train kinda looks like her. ​I train a tennis

The New Year and Our Weight Loss Resolutions

Its been a year and half since Mr. Man appeared out of nowhere in our life. If anybody told me 5 years ago, I would be married, have a toddler, and would be shopping for a house, I would have said, “NO WAY JOSE!” What is truly unbelievable is that now he is linking words

Future Fitness Trend: Infinity and Beyond

There are few things my baby boy Christopher loves. He loves music; he loves to go around in circles; he loves to sing two songs at once; he loves sand and dirt by the bucket; he loves mountains of blueberries; he loves to model his spiffy preppy clothes; he loves, and I mean loves, his

Tous Les Pastramis en B-More

A few months ago, Noonan and I started a new project: taste as many Pastrami sandwiches in the greater Baltimore area as existed. The first and the best pastrami sandwich that I ever had was the one at Pickle’s on the boardwalk of Atlantic City. For our B-more pastrami tour, we started at Steve’s Deli

Training Your Wheels

I am a firm believer in my own made up Good Wheel Theory (GWT). What is GWT? It states that a car with the most glamorous powerful engine, but without good wheels, is useless as a pet rock. Same goes for the human body, you could have the most powerful hips and legs but without

Stretching the Hamstring

The Jefferson Curls in its essence is a loaded stretch for both the lower back and the hamstring. Because the hamstrings in general are much stronger (and tighter for most of us), we can overstretch the lower back muscles while under stretching the hamstrings. A really tight hamstring prevents us from tying our shoes, putting

Beach Vacay 2016: A Summary

Another Summer has come and gone and so has our annual beach to Rehoboth, DE. This time around, however, I can’t say that it was as good a time as last year.       ​It started auspicious enough, with our stop at Hopkins Creamery for probably the best ice cream we’ve ever had. But