Okay. It is my 7th day of the evening carb-up IF. I honestly don’t know if changing the carb-up time has made that much of a difference. The only thing that I can be sure of is that Kate gets to cook more yummy, carby dinner for the both of us and that means happy Kate. And you know what they say, “Happy wife, happy life.” You can judge for yourself if I have made any headway:

Week 8

Week 9
For my first two meals, I have stayed consistent with two to three eggs, a protein shake with coconut oil, and some green veggies.

For dinner, I’ve had brown fried rice, homemade pasta with chicken, turkey burritos with chips and salsa, California cobb salad, and sloppy joes. Along with them I’ve had either Hagen-Dazs strawberry or Taharka Brothers’ cookies and cream ice cream—my favorite by the way—and 40 grams of casein protein shake with a tablespoon of coconut oil. The only difference I continue to notice is how quickly I get full. Except for being little hungry in the morning, I eat much less than when I started my fast 9 weeks ago. Despite eating less, however, I am happy to report that my weight has stayed stable around 168 lbs in the morning and 170 lbs after the evening carb-up. I am guessing my metabolism has slowed a bit, which is expected, because there would be less postprandial thermogenesis or thermic effect of food.

When it comes to working out, I must admit it is not the best time but I look forward to being done so that I can eat. But by the time I get home, my hunger is definitely less. My workout, however, has been good. With my handstands I am much more comfortable in the inverted position; I am doing about 5 minutes 4 days a week and plan to gradually up it to 10 minutes. I have also noticed improvements in my strength in performing the rings-turned-out push-ups and dip holds, front lever, parallette front tuck planche, and single rope pull-ups.

I still think that I need to be around 165 lbs to hit 8% and hoping to hit that number in about 6 weeks.