Category: Muscle Phys

  • In the good ole days of yore—in my 20’s and 30’s when I weighed 190 lbs —picking up big things up and putting them down was a passion of mine. I was young, brash, and was relatively injury free; to make this matter totally worse, I was omnipotent. But as Socrates has said: the more…

  • The first time I heard about trigger points was over a decade ago. I didn’t know what they were but was told, by my fitness director, that they were the causes of muscle tightness and myofacial pain. Myo what?! The tragic thing about trigger points is that we have all experienced them and have suffered…

  • I’ve always loved learning, and one thing I’ve always wanted to know more about was neuroscience. Lucky for me, I recently found a Harvard course available online through edX; if you are interested, you can check them out here. They offer tons of free classes on all sorts of topics–pretty exciting for all you nerds like me.…

  • For a long time before I got into the fitness business, I was taught that we need to stretch our muscles, or in other words, elongate our muscles, to increase our flexibility. Although this sometimes might be the case with kids that have growth spurs, where their skeletal bones outgrow their soft tissue, for most…

  • Father’s day is coming up and I am gonna experience my first Father’s Day…crazy! I was telling Janet, one of my clients, today that I could not have imagined, when I started working with her 15 years ago, that I would let alone find a great girl to marry, but I, who can barely put…

  • Korean street food, oh how I miss thee Training is like good Korean cooking. Every Korean cook has their unique variation on the classic Korean  dishes. One of my favorite foods, for example, is called Dukbokki—a Korean street food made in sweet-spicy sauce with rice cakes that is chewy yummy goodness. I remember going to a…