Category: Menu

  • Noonan’s ’17 “Kick Start your New Year” Menu

    As her father says, the Ina Garten of B-More. One of the biggest benefits of being married to an opera-singing-Irish-wordsmith is her prowess in the kitchen. Her mother, who is closest thing to Martha Stewart without actually being her, is one of the best cooks this side of kingdom come; Noonan (my wife) soaked up…

  • Week 13 Update

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    It has been a week since going to two meals a day and I’ve been stupid hungry since this adjustment. As Kate would say, I have “my joyless meal” around noon and then a not-as-joyful-as-it-used-to-be dinner. Here were my carb-up meals for the week: Monday: Two plates of pasta with bell peppers and broccoli Being…