Let The Hunger pangs begin

After you’ve had your first child, your vanity to keep a lean physique—particularly your motivation to keep a six pack—starts to wane due to lack of sleep, your infant slobbering on you, and the huge life change that comes with being a new parent overall. These days, often the most exciting time for us as a couple is that quiet time after our baby goes to bed when we curl up on the couch to watch Fixer Upper on HGTV or Shark Tank on ABC.

My Bet
So when a fellow trainer, who is 24 years old, challenged me to have a six by the beginning of summer, I have to say I found motivation. The last time I was relatively lean was two years ago when my wife and I went Thailand. Whereas, I went down to around 10%, my wife was leaner than me. At 5’3”, her weight bottomed out at 105; she certainly was below 15% and perhaps close to 12%. We ate the typical 5-6 meals a day consisting of mostly fibrous carbs and lean protein. Unless I was doing the Lyle McDonald’s Ketogentic Diet, which is a pain, miserable and totally not good for my GI system, I could never get below 10% and get rid of the stubborn lower back fat. But, I did not want to go into carb depletion and re-composition and I was pretty sure my wife would divorce me when my mood would pendulum like a run away grandfather clock on the Keto Diet led me to choose intermittent fasting to win my $50 bet.

Over the next few weeks, I will be writing about my experience on the Intermittent Fasting diet and talk to you about the science behind it. Stay tuned!