After you’ve had your first child, your vanity to keep a lean physique—particularly your motivation to keep a six pack—starts to wane due to lack of sleep, your infant slobbering on you, and the huge life change that comes with being a new parent overall. These days, often the most exciting time for us as…
A few months ago, Noonan and I started a new project: taste as many Pastrami sandwiches in the greater Baltimore area as existed. The first and the best pastrami sandwich that I ever had was the one at Pickle’s on the boardwalk of Atlantic City. For our B-more pastrami tour, we started at Steve’s Deli…
Another Summer has come and gone and so has our annual beach to Rehoboth, DE. This time around, however, I can’t say that it was as good a time as last year. It started auspicious enough, with our stop at Hopkins Creamery for probably the best ice cream we’ve ever had. But…
It just seems like yesterday when I used to rock Mr. Man four in the morning and Kate and me were so sleep deprived that we couldn’t see or think straight. It also seems like yesterday when I could hold him in the palms of my hands. Unbelievably, he is now almost 30 lbs and…
It’s been few days after my I went from eating three meals to two meals a day. Here are pictures of what Kate made me for din din this past week. With this latest change, I have to admit I was hungry as hell starting at 4 pm; I was so hungry it felt like…
Gordon Ramsey, of the popular reality cooking show, “Hell’s Kitchen”, used to have a British show called the “F Word”, which was one of my favorite cooking shows. In one segment, he would do a fast forward version of the dish of the day and at the end he would exclaim, for example, “beef wellington,…
Wow, it’s the last day of our beach trip and boy has it been fun. The most pressing issue of this day: Get up early enough to get in line to get croissants from Cafe Papillon before they run out. Kate has been itching to get her hands on them the entire week. Papillon, which means…
Lately, our social calendar has been pretty full with lots of fun activities. This weekend on our to do list were: burgers at our favorite dive bar Alonso’s, Dim Sum at Oriental East near D.C. for Kate’s belated B-day Saturday, and attend Dipal and Naeha’s wedding near the Inner Harbor and Kate’s cousin’s post-wedding cookout in PA…
A year ago, Kate gave birth to Christopher and our sleep patterns have never been the same. Traditionally in Korean culture, we celebrate the first hundred days, called Dohl, because it was a milestone when a baby survived their first 100 days. With the survival rate not an issue in modern times, most Korean families in the…
As I was scrolling through the headlines on my CNBC app, looking for the latest scoop on how to make a million dollars, I found a peculiar story about a petite girl in Korea that makes $9K/day eating food online. In fact, she has been so successful with her eating Vlog that she has quit…