Category: Diet

  • Ever since I made the change to one “clean” meal and a nightly carb-up, I’ve been falling asleep after my evening meal like Goldilocks. My redheaded intern has been suffering from the same food coma (some call it a “carb coma”) phenomenon himself. I knew part of the reason we’ve been going into a comatose…

  • After doing handstands four days a week for a year, intermittent fasting and eating like a rabbit for months, I was really looking forward to my beach vacation. Once in Rehoboth, I gave myself a hall pass to eat and drink everything under the sun; I am happy and sad to tell you I feel…

  • JaJangmyun, tangsuyuk, kimchi, and roasted barley tea. The other unique American Independence Day tradition of late is the famed Nathan’s Hotdog Eating Contest held annually on Coney Island. This year came down a battle between the reigning and 8-time defending champ Joey “Jaws” Chestnut, who de-throned the Japanese eating champ Kobayashi, and a young phenom named…

  • I can’t believe it has been 17 weeks and only one more day to go till JUDGEMENT DAY. I have to admit I have been mired in a bit of misery like George Constanza on Seinfeld this past week because I have been eating like a rabbit on a diet. All I can see is…

  • Tori is another trainer I work with—but not as awesome as Will—who is also doing intermittent fasting. As far as I can see, I think she is making pretty good progress herself. She did tell me she was taking a weekly selfie, perhaps she will allow me to post her before and after pics. In…

  • In the 2006 Nascar movie, Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby, Will Ferrell’s character’s dad tells his young son, “If you aint first, you’re last”. Unlike Ricky Bobby, I fell just short of taking the checker flag–which means I came in last :(. My skinfold measurements had to be 10 mm on my belly…

  • After reviewing various fasting time frames, I settled on 16 hours fasting and 8 hours of feeding. I chose this for few reasons: I wanted to at least fit 2 meals a day and have dinner with my wife. I wanted to maximize the potential fat burn by adding 4 more hours to 12 hour…

  • When I used to train like a bodybuilder, I used to take a lot of supplements. From HMB, ribose, vanadyl, a funny sounding chemical derived from blue algae, herbs from Africa to India, and all sorts of protein powder that promised to magically help me pack on muscles until I looked just like The Rock.…

  • Week 13 Update

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    It has been a week since going to two meals a day and I’ve been stupid hungry since this adjustment. As Kate would say, I have “my joyless meal” around noon and then a not-as-joyful-as-it-used-to-be dinner. Here were my carb-up meals for the week: Monday: Two plates of pasta with bell peppers and broccoli Being…

  • I have to admit I went off on a tangent in Part 1 so as they say, this blog is for you, T. Continuing my conversation with Tori, I was thinking about what was she asking me and what can I write to help her the most. To reiterate, Tori simply wanted to know, “what…