While I was training my clients the other day, there was a young member that was working out in the gym. The exercises that he was doing took me back to my glory days of lifting iron. Back then my goals were Popeye arms that measured at least 15”—if not 17”, a 400 lbs barbell…
For as long as I can remember my main form of training myself was either bodybuilding, Olympic lifting, or powerlifting. I always thought that there was a need for external weights barbells and dumbbells and brand name weight equipment like Cybex, Lifefitness, etc to get a good workout. In 2014, however, I made a paradigm…
Back last winter, I made a six-pack ab bet with Will, aka Gingeroni, which to my utter dismay, I lost. Well, a new bet has been made between Beast from the East and the male version of Annie. What is that bet? Another 50 big George Washingtons were laid on the line. This time the bet…
For the last year and a half, I switched my exercise routine to more bodyweight exercises with the goal of holding a free-standing handstand for 30 seconds. Its been a long, good experience with a few nagging injuries–which I’ve been able to work through. For the last few weeks, I’ve decided to ditch using the…
Father’s day is coming up and I am gonna experience my first Father’s Day…crazy! I was telling Janet, one of my clients, today that I could not have imagined, when I started working with her 15 years ago, that I would let alone find a great girl to marry, but I, who can barely put…
After reviewing various fasting time frames, I settled on 16 hours fasting and 8 hours of feeding. I chose this for few reasons: I wanted to at least fit 2 meals a day and have dinner with my wife. I wanted to maximize the potential fat burn by adding 4 more hours to 12 hour…