Category: Abs

  • As some of you know already, I have been doing intermittent fasting (IF) for about 3 ½ years now. The value of using IF for me: 1) Increased fat burn; 2) Increased insulin sensitivity; 3) Eat whatever I wanted to my heart’s content, which include tacos, and chips and salsa at Rehoboth.

  • After you’ve had your first child, your vanity to keep a lean physique—particularly your motivation to keep a six pack—starts to wane due to lack of sleep, your infant slobbering on you, and the huge life change that comes with being a new parent overall. These days, often the most exciting time for us as…

  • Its been a year and half since Mr. Man appeared out of nowhere in our life. If anybody told me 5 years ago, I would be married, have a toddler, and would be shopping for a house, I would have said, “NO WAY JOSE!” What is truly unbelievable is that now he is linking words…

  • It has been week 12 of my IF experiment; boy, the time has flown by. During the last three months a few momentous things have occurred: My 9 month-old baby boy has gone from wearing 12 months clothing to 18 months. Kate’s weight has dropped down to 111lbs from chasing Mr. Man (Christopher) around the…

  • After doing handstands four days a week for a year, intermittent fasting and eating like a rabbit for months, I was really looking forward to my beach vacation. Once in Rehoboth, I gave myself a hall pass to eat and drink everything under the sun; I am happy and sad to tell you I feel…

  • I can’t believe it has been 17 weeks and only one more day to go till JUDGEMENT DAY. I have to admit I have been mired in a bit of misery like George Constanza on Seinfeld this past week because I have been eating like a rabbit on a diet. All I can see is…

  • In the 2006 Nascar movie, Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby, Will Ferrell’s character’s dad tells his young son, “If you aint first, you’re last”. Unlike Ricky Bobby, I fell just short of taking the checker flag–which means I came in last :(. My skinfold measurements had to be 10 mm on my belly…

  • Week 16: an update


    3 1/2 weeks to go before Judgement Day. I can’t believe it has been 16 weeks since I’ve started this crazy IF diet. It has also been 16 weeks since Ginger Boy, who is on family vacay with his mommy and daddy on a cruise ship called the “Oyster of the Sea”, told me I…

  • Okay. It is my 7th day of the evening carb-up IF. I honestly don’t know if changing the carb-up time has made that much of a difference. The only thing that I can be sure of is that Kate gets to cook more yummy, carby dinner for the both of us and that means happy…