Lately, our social calendar has been pretty full with lots of fun activities. This weekend on our to do list were: burgers at our favorite dive bar Alonso’s, Dim Sum at Oriental East near D.C. for Kate’s belated B-day Saturday, and attend Dipal and Naeha’s wedding near the Inner Harbor and Kate’s cousin’s post-wedding cookout in PA on Sunday.


It has almost been a year since we’ve gone to Alonso’s–one of our favorite dive bars–and I had to order the 1lb Alonso Burger with all the trimmings. And since I am still on my IF diet, I can eat all the damn yummy fries and still stay damn sexy. Although I didn’t think I was going to finish that burger half way through, I persevered and against Man vs. Food Friday night, man won. To wash down all that beef and starch, I had a pint of Brewer’s Art’s Resurrection, probably one of best Belgium Dubbel out there in netherworld. The sad thing about this night was that we found out that Loco Hombre–which was Alonso’s sister restaurant next door–had closed its doors and will be reopened as a Indian restaurant called Namaste. I don’t know about you but I am not sure about a food joint that take the name of a word that I say after my yoga sessions. But who the hell knows, I should be more flexible about where I eat–I know, I know I should leave the being funny thing to my wife, Fallon, or Seinfeld.

On Saturday we went to Silver Spring, MD to the best Dim Sum place around here. We’ve been itching to eat Dim Sum for few weeks now and in fact, last time we were there was in mid July when we took Mr. Man to his first ever Dim Sum experience.

For those not in the know, Dim Sum is the Chinese version of brunch where you pick and choose various small dishes from circulating food carts that they bring from the kitchen. I would say the best Dim Sum Kate and I have had was in Sin City in an old casino off the main strip called Ping Pang Pong–I kid you not about the name.


Kate and Mr. Man’s right forearm

Gold Coast Hotel and Casino

One of the best Dim Sum we’ve eaten
Speaking of Indian things, I can’t wait to tell you about Dipal and Naeha’s Hindu wedding. I felt like I was in a Bollywood movie. When we arrived at the Marriott at the Inner Harbor, Dipal, the groom, was in the midst of arriving to the hotel in a procession called the Baraat. He was on a horse drawn carriage led by his dancing baraatis who were adorned with traditional Indian wears and accompanied by blaring Indian music. I can only describe the scene as just beyond “awesome”!

Dipal’s baraatis

Dipal in all his wedding glory

Meet my new friend Ganesha

The handsome couple
Of course, Mr. Man was active as ever. We chased him for an hour around the lobby

Mr. Man pointing with all his might

Kate trying to keep with Mr. Man
All in all a great weekend but being old as I am, I was glad to be back home and relieved to get off my feet. Thanks Dipal and Naeha, it was an honor being part of your union and celebration.

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