Covid & Home Training

It’s been a crazy year for me and most of you. The world shut down; some of us started to work at home in our jammies and sweats; and masks became ubiquitous. For me personally, I was forced to try out personal training sessions online that Noonan, my beloved and Chun’s adoring babe of a

My Solutions to My Low Back Pain

In the good ole days of yore—in my 20’s and 30’s when I weighed 190 lbs —picking up big things up and putting them down was a passion of mine. I was young, brash, and was relatively injury free; to make this matter totally worse, I was omnipotent. But as Socrates has said: the more

Eat Your Clock: Circadian Rhythm Eating

As some of you know already, I have been doing intermittent fasting (IF) for about 3 ½ years now. The value of using IF for me: 1) Increased fat burn; 2) Increased insulin sensitivity; 3) Eat whatever I wanted to my heart’s content, which include tacos, and chips and salsa at Rehoboth.

Performing Under Pressure: Going From The Red Zone to the Blue Zone

In my previous post about the All Blacks, I wrote about their realilzation about needing mental strength to be succesful in the Rugby World Championship (RWC). So, how do you take what they learned and apply it to maximize your own potential when you’re under pressure in tight game situation? The brain has three distinct

The Story of The All Blacks: from Notorious Chokers to Rugby Dynasty

As I was researching “performing under pressure,” I came across a very interesting story about the All Blacks. For those not into rugby, the All Blacks are New Zealand’s (NZ) national rugby team and current 2x world champions and are considered the best team in the world–think of the All Blacks as the New England

The Fall of Ronda Rousey and the pressure to perform

As 2016 was coming to an end over the weekend, Ronda Rousey, the blue-eyed blonde haired  queen of mixed martial arts, was set to make a comeback to reclaim the title–the UFC bantamweight (135 lbs) belt–she lost after Holly Holm knocked her out–and stunned millions of fans–with a vicious headkick. The loss rocked the MMA world

Noonan’s ’17 “Kick Start your New Year” Menu

As her father says, the Ina Garten of B-More. One of the biggest benefits of being married to an opera-singing-Irish-wordsmith is her prowess in the kitchen. Her mother, who is closest thing to Martha Stewart without actually being her, is one of the best cooks this side of kingdom come; Noonan (my wife) soaked up

The Best Exercise and Diet Routines for 2017

As the New Year approaches, in the first few months, we will once again obsess over working out and eating right. The problem is that by Febuary,/March most of us will have foregone our health/fitness resolutions. The secret to achieving any goal can be summed up in one word: consistency. Goals are achieved when we

Training and Over-Training Part II: How to Train Just the Right Amount

A few weeks ago, my sister gave me $100 to Amazon for my birthday. And guess what I bought…yes $60 worth of organic gummy bears. What did you think I was gonna say $60 worth of veggies?! As expected I’ve eaten bags and bags of those yummy, chewy, and so satisfying cuddly gelatins. Well, my

Dieting options and Respiratory Exchange Ratio

When I started to think about using which diet I was to use to win my bet against Will, here were my choices: Veggie and Protein (Kate calls this the “Joyless Diet”) AM starchy/PM fibrous carbs Ketogenic diet Intermittent Fasting In my attempt to get super lean, a common denominator in most diets is that